Launch of the new
Dutch Translation of the Holy Quran, 10th March 2005
Dutch rendering of Maulana Muhammad
Alis English Translation of the Holy Quran with commentary
and introduction
Report and link to Dutch news website video
1. Report by Dr Noman Malik
We are very happy to announce that the opening of the Dutch Holy
Quran was a great success by the grace of Almighty Allah.
The first day of the offical opening was on 10th March in the auditorium
in one of the well known convention centers in Den Haag (The Hague),
the Netherlands Congress Center. It was attended by the Minister
for Intergration and Immigration Affairs, Ms Rita Verdonk. The previous
Prime Minister Mr. A.A.M. Van Agt, several well known university
professors, national parliament and municipal parliament members
and several interfaith group members also attended the members.
Samina Malik presented a copy of the Holy Quran to Minister Verdonk
and I presented a copy to previous Prime Minister Van Agt.
The guests greatly appreciated the speeches and the rational and
enlightened interpretation of Islam. They were very enthusiastic
about the message of the New Dutch Holy Quran. Minister Verdonks
remarks were carried on TV and reported in the newspapers. The function
was repeatedly shown on TV on the following three days. We thank
Almighty Allah that the names of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Jamaat,
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and Maulana Muhammad Ali were repeatedly
mentioned with the Holy Quran.
Three additional very successful conventions, which included the
opening of the new addition of the Stitchting mosque, were held.
Samina Malik has raised twenty thousand Dollars, seven thousand
Euros and eight hundred and fifty Pounds for free distribution of
the Dutch Holy Quran to all libraries and universities in Holland
and Belgium. We all thank the Stitchting Jamaat for their hard work
in organizing the functions. May Almighy Allah reward their efforts!
A detailed report will follow later.
2. Video clip on Dutch news website
this link to a Dutch news website there is a news item about
this launch, including a link to play a video news report of the
The video links are inside the box headed: Bekijk de video.
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