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Books: Brief listing of all titles

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Books listed below on this page:   Go to these pages:
1. Books by Maulana Muhammad Ali   The latest books
2. English translations of books by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad   Books available online
3. Others books    

1. Books by Maulana Muhammad Ali

“Probably no man living has done longer or more valuable service for the cause of Islamic revival than Maulana Muhammad Ali of Lahore. His literary works, with those of the late Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din, have given fame and distinction to the Ahmadiyya Movement.”
— review by Marmaduke Pickthall, famous British Muslim and a translator of the Quran into English.

All books of Maulana Muhammad Ali, printed or in computer form, are copyright-protected:
© by Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore Inc. U.S.A.

Book (click name for details) Pages Price Comments

The Holy Quran: Arabic text with English translation and Commentary

1324 pp.
plus 94 pages introductory (year 2002 edition)
Hardback: $19.95

Previous (pre-2002) edition:
  • Paperback: $15.95
  • Leather: Special offer — $29.95
Read the newly typeset Year 2002 Edition online
CD version of: The Holy Quran: Arabic text with English translation and Commentary   $29.95 Note: This is not an audio CD. It can only be used in a computer and it enables you to read the above book on the screen.
The Holy Quran, Pocket-size, English translation only. 635 pp. Standard: $17.95
Leather: $29.95
Read book at Website
View sample pages:
Chs. 1 and 2
Ch. 3
Bayan-ul-Quran: Urdu translation with extensive commentary 1496 pp.
(plus 69)
  Read book at Website
The Holy Quran: Russian translation 1312 pp.
(plus cii)
  Read book at Website
The Holy Quran: Other translations
(Spanish, French)
    Read French translation at Website
The Religion of Islam 617 pp. Hardback: $20.95
Paperback: $15.95
A Manual of Hadith 400 pp. Hardback $10.95  
Muhammad, The Prophet 200 pp. $7.95  
Early Caliphate 200 pp. $4.95  
The Muslim Prayer Book 90 pp. $4.95 Illustrated
Living Thoughts of the Prophet Muhammad 156 pp. $5.95 Text of first chapter
can be read at Website
The New World Order 86 pp. $4.95  
Introduction to the Study of the Holy Quran 191 pp. $4.95  
Muhammad and Christ 159 pp. $4.95  
History and Doctrines of the Babi Movement 115 pp. $4.95  
The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement 112 pp. $2.95 Read at Website
True Conception of the Ahmadiyya Movement 67 pp. $2.95 Read at Website
The Split in the Ahmadiyya Movement 117 pp. $2.95 Read at Website

2. English translations of books by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad


Book (click name for details) Pages Price Comments
The Teachings of Islam 200 pp. $4.95  
Testimony of the Holy Quran 103 pp. $2.95 Read at Website
Message of Peace 27 pp. $1.50 Read at Website
The Four Questions Answered 49 pp. $1.50 Read at Website
A Brief Sketch of My Life 92 pp. $2.95 Read at Website

Kitab al-Bariyya: An Account of Exoneration
224 pp.   Read at Website
Correction of an error (Ayk Ghalati Ka Izala)     Only available on Website
Victory of Islam (Fath-i Islam) 47 pp.   Read at Website
The Will (Al-Wasiyyat) 60 pp.   Read at Website
Need of Imam of the Age (Zarurat-ul-Imam) 35 pp.   Read at Website

3. Other books

Book (click name for details) Author Pages Price Comments
A Mighty Striving Muhammad Ahmad / M.A. Faruqui 549   Read at Website
The Death of Jesus Maulana Hafiz Sher Muhammad 82   Read at Website
The Ideal Prophet Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din 211 pp. $7.95  
Islam — My Only Choice Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din 36 pp. $1.95 Read at Website
Islam to East and West Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din 142 pp. $4.95  
The Sources of Christianity Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din xii+104 pp. $4.95  
Table Talk Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din 65 pp. $2.95  
Muhammad in World Scriptures, Volume 1 Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi 412+xxvi $15.95  
Fundamentals of the Christian faith in the light of the Gospels Maulana Sadr-ud-Din 62 pp. $2.95 Read at Website
Introduction to Islam Zahid Aziz 66 pp. $4.95 Read at Website
Al-Hamdu-li-llah Fazeel Sahukhan 18 pp. $7.95 For children up to 5
The Meaning of Surah Fatihah Fazeel Sahukhan 16 pp. $4.95 For children up to 8
Essays on Islamic Sufi-ism   23 pp. $1.95  
The Debt Forgotten Rahim Bakhsh 159 pp. $3.95  
Ahmadiyyat in the service of Islam Nasir Ahmad Faruqui 149 pp. $3.95  
Anecdotes from the life of the Prophet Muhammad Mumtaz Ahmad Faruqui 49 pp. $2.50  
Dr. Sir Muhammad Iqbal and the Ahmadiyya Movement Maulana Hafiz Sher Muhammad 44 pp. $3.95 Read at Website:
1. in pdf format
2. in html format
The Qadiani violation of Ahmadiyya teachings Zahid Aziz 46 pp. $1.95  
Martyrdom of Abdul Latif Shaheed   47 pp. $1.95  
Christ is Come Mirza Masum Beg 49 pp. $1.95  
Jesus in Heaven on Earth Khwaja Nazir Ahmad 471 pp. HB: $16.95
PB: $12.95
Read at Website
The Crumbling of the Cross Mumtaz Ahmad Faruqui 183 pp. $7.95  
Mujaddid-i Azam Dr. Basharat Ahmad 3 vols. 1700 pp. $25.95 Urdu

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