Review of Barahin Ahmadiyya
by Maulvi Muhammad Husain Batalvi
Maulvi Muhammad Husain Batalvi was a leader of the Ahl-i-Hadith
sect, and editor of a journal Isha`at as-Sunna, who, from 1891
onwards, became a leading opponent of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad after
Hazrat Mirza claimed to be the Promised Messiah. However, earlier in 1884
when Hazrat Mirza's book Barahin Ahmadiyya was published, Muhammad
Husain Batalvi wrote a very lengthy review of this book, highly praising
the work.
Some extracts from this historic Review are translated below, followed
by scanned images of the original pages from the journal:
"In our opinion this book, at this time and in view of the
present circumstances, is such that the like of it has not appeared
in Islam up to now, while nothing can be said about the future. Its
author too has been so constant in the service of Islam, with his money,
life, pen and tongue, and personal experience, that very few parallels
can be found in the Muslims. If anyone considers our words to be an
Asian exaggeration, let him show us at least one such book which so
vigorously fights all the opponents of Islam, especially the Arya and
Brahamo Samaj, and let him name two or three persons who have supported
Islam, not only with their wealth, lives, pen and tongue, but also by
personal spiritual experience, and who have boldly thrown the challenge
to all the opponents of Islam and the deniers of Divine revelation,
that whoever doubts the truth of God speaking to man, he may come and
observe it for himself, thus giving other religions a taste of this
(Isha`at as-Sunna, vol. vii, no. 6, June to August 1884,
pp. 169-170)
Original pages from Isha`at as-Sunna
are shown below: