Islamic ideology of the Lahore Ahmadiyya
The beliefs of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement are the same as
those held by other Muslims, namely, that:
- the Holy Quran is the word of God which
is to guide mankind forever,
- the Holy Prophet Muhammad was the perfect
model of Islamic teachings whose example shall forever be binding
on every Muslim to follow.
We believe that, as the principles and teachings of religion reached perfection
and completion in the Holy Quran and the example displayed by the Holy
Prophet, it follows that the Quran is the final Book of God, and
Muhammad (may peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him) is His Last
Prophet, after whom no prophet can appear.
The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement highlights certain features of the
Islamic teaching which have been ignored over the course of time, but
which are now crucial to the needs of the age. We summarise below the
main aspects of Islam which the movement has thus brought to the fore.
We proclaim that Islam is:
1. International
-- God raised Prophets in all nations, not only among the Israelites
(as already accepted by Muslims) but also in India, China, Persia etc.
A Muslim must believe in and respect all these prophets and their scriptures.
Islam restores the original purity of the eternal truths taught by them,
and broadens the scope of their national teachings to provide a faith
for all humanity. Goodness, good people and truth may be found in all
nations. God is equally just to all human beings, irrespective of their
race, nationality or religion.
2. Tolerant -- It
gives full freedom to everyone to hold, practise and adopt any belief
and religion. Differences of belief and interpretation, with whomsoever
these may occur, must be tolerated. Criticism against Islam must be
answered only by word, and any offence felt must be borne with patience;
responding by physical violence is alien to the teachings of Islam.
The common image of Islam as an intolerant faith is completely false.
3. Peaceful -- It
condemns all use of force except in unavoidable self-defence. All battles
of early Islam were purely defensive. Muslims must live peacefully under
any rule which grants them freedom of religion. The impression that
Islam urges its followers to wage war or rebellion to establish its
rule is entirely wrong. The concept of Jihad is greatly misunderstood:
it primarily signifies a spiritual, intellectual and moral struggle
to reform oneself and others.
4. Non-sectarian
-- Any person professing the words "There is no god but Allah,
and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah" must be treated as
one's fellow Muslim. No inquisition is allowed into anyone's beliefs
or motives. Issuing so-called rulings, on some pretext, to expel from
Islam those who profess the Kalima is entirely against Islamic
5. Rational -- It
urges use of reason and knowledge in all matters, including religious
affairs. Blind following and acceptance are disallowed, and independence
of thought is granted. Blind, unthinking obedience to religious leaders
is condemned.
6. Living -- Acts
of worship are not rituals to be performed without thought or feeling.
They are meant to put the human soul in living contact with a Living
God. We must know the purpose of prayer, fasting, etc. and carry them
out in their true spirit. God listens to man's supplications and answers
his prayers. In every age there arise, among Muslims, saints who have
closeness and communication with God. Their example shows others that
there is a Living God Who speaks to man.
7. Supporter of women
-- A great deal of misunderstanding prevails on this point, mainly due
to local customs being confused with the teachings of Islam. According
to Islam, a woman is a full, responsible human being, just as a man
is. She should have the same control over determining the course of
her life (including matters of marriage and divorce) as a man has over
his life.
8. Highly moral
-- It requires Muslims to develop the highest personal moral virtues,
and display these qualities even at the cost of personal or national
interest. An Islamic society is not created by imposing laws
and regulations on people. It is only created by reforming the character
of individuals through moral training and example, and this was what
the Holy Prophet Muhammad did.
9. Heart-winning
-- It seeks to conquer hearts and minds by showing the logic, truth
and beauty of its teachings, in a gentle, loving spirit. It condemns
force or coercion to spread the faith or make people conform to it.
10. Complete --
The Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet provide complete and perfect guidance
for all mankind, for all time to come. The Holy Prophet is the perfect
exemplar of the highest moral virtues. After him, no prophet or authority
is to arise. As Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya
Movement, wrote:
"I firmly believe that our Holy Prophet Muhammad
is the Last of the Prophets, and after him no prophet shall come for
this nation, neither old nor new." (Nishan Asmani, p.