By Ebrahim Muhamed
December 2012
Philosophers, Poets, everywhere abound
Too many questions
– answers rarely found
In our Pride will
we ever say?
That indeed we
have lost the way?
Promised by the
Praised One
A reflection of
that dazzling Sun
Appears, a Slave
of Ahmad, His Holy Book to teach
Enlivening groping
souls his ÔbreathŐ does reach
Sun and Moon in
Holy Nights all doubt dispel
About the One
Muhammad did foretell
Who, in lonely
recesses of the night
Pleads before Him
MankindŐs pitiable plight
Heavenly pen like
Grand GeneralŐs scimitar
Skilfully wielded
by Slave of Mustapha
Dispelling doubts
and darkness all around
Faith, lost in
Pleiades, on Earth once more found
Anti Christ, with
deadly arguments, in defeat do fall
Enemy bugles a
scuttling retreat do call
Prejudice, Falsehood – Demons in his way
With pledged pens,
like DavidŐs decreed stones, did slay
The Holy Book now
everywhere on every tongue
Praises of the
Lord from East to West now sung
Light and Learning
distant horizons do grace
Fruits of wisdom
weeds of ignorance replace
Sweet saintly
revelations - crystal clear!
The Messiah, Thank
you Lord, is here!