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The Woking Muslim Mission

Newsreel film clips of events and functions at the Woking Mosque
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Newsreel film clips of events and functions at the Woking Mosque

During the history of the Woking Muslim Mission (from 1913 to the mid-1960s), glimpses of some prayer events at the Woking Mosque, as well as functions at the Mosque premises attended by dignitaries, were filmed by the British Pathe newsreel company for inclusion in its regular cinema news broadcasts of those days.

British Pathe has made its collection of stories from newsreels available at its website, which includes at least the following eleven film clips of Woking Mosque events. In the list of these clips given below, the Film ID and Title of each clip, by which it is identified on British Pathe’s website, is provided:

Film ID Title Year Our comments after viewing the clip
166.12 MOSLEMS END 30 DAY FAST 1954 With sound.
426.01 THE BEGUM OF BHOPAL 1925 Silent. Visit of the Begum of Bhopal to the Woking Mosque. Shows Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din and Lord Headley.
Subtitled: News in a Nutshell includes Muslims at a Mosque in Woking, ...
1936 Only first item on clip is about Woking. Shows future King Faisal of Saudi Arabia with Woking Imam. Sound of parts of prayers.
703.14 THE FESTIVAL OF EID UL AZHA 1933 Sound of parts of prayers.
891.25 EMPEROR HAILE SALASSIE 1936 Silent. Visit of Haille Selassie to Woking.
782.20 IN THE NAME OF ALLAH 1929 Silent. Id-ul-Fitr.
488.08 FESTIVAL OF EID-UL-FITR 1926 Silent.
208.16 THE PROBLEM OF TURKEY 1920 Silent. Famous Indian political leader and orator Mohamed Ali addressing a meeting at Woking in support of the Turkish Khilafat cause. Maulana Sadr-ud-Din is also on clip.
214.28 FEAST OF RAMZAN 1920 Silent.
196.46 THE FEAST OF SACRIFICE AT WOKING MOSQUE 1919 Silent, short clip.
2894.05 ID AL-ADHA FESTIVAL AT WOKING 1958 Collection of silent cuts.

If you search British Pathe’s website using the keywords Woking Mosque, a list of relevant film clips will appear. Clips in low resolution are available free of charge from their website for personal viewing only. Clips in higher quality can be purchased.

Website created and published by: Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha`at Islam Lahore Inc. U.S.A.
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