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The Woking Muslim Mission

Photographs of the work of the Woking Muslim Mission and Mosque
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Photographs from the work of the Woking Muslim Mission and Mosque

  1. Lord Headley with Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din shortly after his conversion to Islam in 1913.

  2. The very first issue of The Islamic Review, February 1913, front cover.

  3. Front cover of The Islamic Review, August 1914.

  4. John Yehya-en-Nasr Parkinson, writer, poet, converted to Islam about 1900 (The Islamic Review, March 1914).

  5. Maulana Sadr-ud-Din giving the Id Khutba in 1915 (IR, September 1915).

  6. A British Muslim family (IR, March 1916).

  7. Three British soldiers accept Islam during World War 1 (IR, September 1916).

  8. Id-ul-Fitr day at Woking, 10 July 1918 (IR, August 1918). added 21 August 2002

  9. Group photo outside the mosque, showing workers of the Mission, visitors and Muslim worshippers, including British converts to Islam (IR, May 1920).

  10. Children from local orphanage entertained by the Mission (IR, October 1921).

  11. Front cover of The Islamic Review, January 1923, showing inside of Woking Mosque.

  12. Turkish ambassador visits Mosque (IR, March 1924).

  13. A woman convert to Islam and her statement (IR, June 1926).

  14. A convert to Islam and his statement (IR, July 1926).

  15. Id-ul-Adha Khutba in the grounds of the mosque, 1344 A.H. (IR, August 1926).

  16. A convert to Islam and his statement (IR, December 1926).

  17. Id-ul-Adha Khutba in the grounds of the mosque, 1346 A.H. (IR, July 1928).

  18. Imam delivering Id-ul-Fitr Khutba, 1348 A.H. (IR, March-April 1930)

  19. Birthday of Holy Prophet Muhammad, London, September 30, 1930 (IR, November 1930)

  20. Group photo from Id-ul-Fitr, February 19th, 1931 (IR, March-April 1931)

  21. Sons of the Nizam of Hyderabad (India) visit Woking, June 7, 1931 (IR, August 1931)

  22. Birthday of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, London, October 30, 1931 (IR, December 1931)

  23. Id-ul-Adha congregation, April 1932 (IR, August 1932).

  24. Birthday of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, London, December 7, 1932 (IR, March 1933)
    Both Mr. Jinnah and Sir Muhammad Iqbal were among those invited.

  25. Id-ul-Fitr, January 1935, Sir Abdul Qadir delivering Khutba (IR, March 1935).

  26. Function at Grosvenor House, London, June 1935 (IR, August 1935).

  27. Prince Amir Saud (who was later King Saud of Saudi Arabia from 1953 to 1964) visits Woking Mosque, June 1935 (IR, August 1935).

  28. Laying of foundation stone of Nizamia Mosque, West Kensington, Central London (IR, August 1937).

  29. Another scene from the foundation stone laying (IR, August 1937).

  30. Iranian ambassador visits Mosque (IR, November-December 1937).

  31. Birthday of Holy Prophet Muhammad, London, May 2, 1939 (IR, July 1939)
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