Main Mosque in Tirana Albania
Meeting with the executive committee of
the Islamic Community of Albania.
Seated L to R: Sister Samina, Chairman Mr. Kochi, Brother Noman
Standing L to R: General Secretary Mr. Selih Tivari, Head Mufti
Mr. Saleem Stafa, Brother Mohammad Ahmad, President Mr. Ali Basha
Left: Chairman Mr. Kochi. Right: Head Mufti Mr.
Selim Stafa
Left: Presidnet Mr. Ali Basha. Right: Mr. Bujar
Dr. Mohammad Ahmad displaying the pamphlets
'Islam the Religion of Humanity' and 'Prophet of Islam'
Mosque of the Seven Brothers in Sarajevo,
Side view of University of Sarajevo: Brother
Ahmad and Sister Samina
Sarajevo University: brother Ahmad and brother
Meeting with Ms. Elma Dizdar
L to R: brother Ahmad, faculty member, Ms. Elma Dizdaar and brother
Brother Ahmad in the court yard of the oldest
mosque in Sarajevo
Sarajevo Library