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Photos of visit to Albania and Bosnia, May 2000
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Photographs of visit to Albania and Bosnia, May 2000

Read report of the visit to Albania and Bosnia.

Main Mosque in Tirana Albania

Meeting with the executive committee of the Islamic Community of Albania.
Seated L to R: Sister Samina, Chairman Mr. Kochi, Brother Noman Malik
Standing L to R: General Secretary Mr. Selih Tivari, Head Mufti Mr. Saleem Stafa, Brother Mohammad Ahmad, President Mr. Ali Basha


Left: Chairman Mr. Kochi. Right: Head Mufti Mr. Selim Stafa


Left: Presidnet Mr. Ali Basha. Right: Mr. Bujar Mullahi

Dr. Mohammad Ahmad displaying the pamphlets 'Islam the Religion of Humanity' and 'Prophet of Islam'

Mosque of the Seven Brothers in Sarajevo, Bosnia

Side view of University of Sarajevo: Brother Ahmad and Sister Samina

Sarajevo University: brother Ahmad and brother Noman

Meeting with Ms. Elma Dizdar
L to R: brother Ahmad, faculty member, Ms. Elma Dizdaar and brother Noman

Brother Ahmad in the court yard of the oldest mosque in Sarajevo

Sarajevo Library


Read report of the visit to Albania and Bosnia.

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