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Reports of renovation work at the Berlin Mosque

Phase 2 of Berlin Mosque Renovation
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Berlin Mosque and Mission House Renovation,
Phase 2 Report and Photographs, September 1999

by Sister Samina, Columbus, Ohio

On September 23, 1999 I went to Berlin to inspect the renovation and repair work being done at the Berlin Mosque. I arrived at the Airport at 11:30 a.m., and Mr. Lampeitl, the Architect, picked me up and dropped me at the hotel. In the evening I had a long meeting with Mr. Wendlandt, incharge of the project in the Monument Department, and Mr. Lampeitl. I tried to persuade them to complete the second minaret also in this phase. I told them as the cupola for the second minaret is being made at this time, it will be a good idea to complete the second minaret as well. They seemed receptive to the proposal. Please pray to Almighty Allah for the success of the proposal.

The next day Mr. Lampeitl and I went to the Mosque and inspected the work. I was very impressed to see the delicate and detailed repair done on the windows and the front door. The windows have been restored to their original condition, and now close properly. The color expert has painstakingly exposed the original color of the door which is a beautiful shade of green, and it will be painted the same color.

I was very thrilled and happy to see the scaffolding rising high up in to the sky around the minaret (see first photo below), and can hardly wait to see the minaret being finally completed, Alhamdolillah! The cupola of the minaret is being manufactured in the factory and will be placed on top of the minaret by crane. The second cupola will also be made at the same time. We also discussed the plastering of the outside walls and the waterproofing of the foundations of the mission house.

After Mr. Lampeitl left, I attended the Jum`ah (Friday) prayers at the Mosque. Imam Ch. Saeed Ahmad delivered the Khutba and led the prayers. After the prayers we discussed the supply of the German translations of our books, which have been translated and published in the last few years, and Imam Saeed placed orders for our German and English publications.

We will supply the German Mission with one hundred copies of the Russian Holy Quran free of charge.

We are very thankful to Mr. Wendlandt and Mr. Lampeitl for their help for all these years. We thank Almighty Allah for all that has been accomplished so far, and I thank Him for the opportunity He has given me to obtain the grants and work closely with the Monument Department and the Architect. This is the result of the prayers of the late Hazrat Ameer, Dr. Saeed Ahmad Khan Sahib, who was very much involved in and concerned about the work of the Berlin Mission.

Photographs of the current work

North Minaret

Scaffolding around the North Minaret

Craftsman repairing the front windows of the Mission House

Craftsman repairing the front windows of the Mission House

Mr. Lampeitl, the Architect, inspecting the Mission House windows

Mr. Lampeitl, the Architect, inspecting the Mission House windows

Sister Samina inspecting the front door of Mission House, with Architect

Sister Samina inspecting the front door of Mission House, with Architect

The Imam, Chaudry Saeed Ahmad, delivering the Friday Khutba

The Imam, Chaudry Saeed Ahmad, delivering the Friday Khutba, 24 September
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