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Report of visit to Egypt

Photos of visit to Egypt
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Photographs of visit to Egypt

Read report of the visit to Egypt.

Side view Al-Azhar

Side view of Al-Azhar University

Al-Azhar Mosque

Al-Azhar Mosque

Side view of the Al-Azhar Mosque

Side view of the Al-Azhar Mosque

Interior of Al-Azhar Mosque

Interior of Al-Azhar Mosque

Jumma gathering at Al-Azhar

Jumma gathering at Al-Azhar

Sister Samina in front of the New Al-Azhar Library

Sister Samina in front of the New Al-Azhar Library

Doctor Khalifa Muhammad with Sister Samina

Doctor Khalifa Muhammad (Head Librarian) with Sister Samina

Sister Randa Zulficar with her cousin Mehmood

Sister Randa Zulficar (one of the translators) with her cousin Mehmood (the typesetter)

The title page of Al-Din al-Islami, the Arabic translation of Maulana Muhammad Ali's Religion of Islam

Arabic Religon of Islam Arabic Religon of Islam Arabic Religon of Islam

Read report of the visit to Egypt.
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