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Arabic Language Area

COPYRIGHT: The publications on this page are the intellectual property of Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam, Lahore (USA) and copyrighted. This material may be accessed for personal use only. This material may not be used for commercial purposes and may not be reproduced either in print or in digital form (including being uploaded to other websites). Should you wish to direct people to this material so that others may benefit from it, you may publish the link(s) from this website in your publication (including websites).


  1. Deen ul Islam
    Arabic Translation of Religion of Islam by Maulana Muhammad Ali.
    A comprehensive discussion of the sources, principles and practices of Islam. Translated by Dr. S. Ahmed, Certified by Alazhar al Shareef. Foreword by Grand Imam Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Sayyed Tantawi. 6 September 2018

  2. Ta`aaleem al-Ahmadiyya
    Arabic translation of Maulana Muhammad Ali's English booklet Teachings of the Ahmadiyya Movement, translated by Ayyub Fazli Qaraniya and Khalil Yunus Rabaishti, Al-Azhar University, Egypt, published 1939.

  3. Sections from Al-Ahmadiyya kama `araf-na-ha ("The Ahmadiyya Movement as we know it")
    by Ayyub Fazli Qaraniya and Khalil Yunus Rabaishti, Al-Azhar University, Egypt, published 1939.

  4. Al-Bayan fi Raju` ila-l-Qur'an
    Translation of Maulana Muhammad Ali's booklet Back to the Quran by Abdullah Ramadaan.
    (Mostly done; a few pages to be added.) 8 September

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