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Claims and position of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad:
A Slide Presentation

11. Answers: 1
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11. Answers: 1

  • Answer to first point already given, that Promised Messiah is no more than a mujaddid and muhaddas — a non-prophet. (Ref: Slides 1 and 2)

  • Another detailed answer was given by him right at the point when he made his claim. (Ref)

  • The statement “a muhaddas is in one sense a prophet” in the above reference was further clarified by him in a sworn, witnessed statement. (Ref)

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    Slide References
    Extracts from statements of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

    RK = Ruhani Khaza’in, the 23 volume collection of books of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
    MI = Majuma Ishtiharat, collection of published announcements of Hazrat Mirza.
    Rabwah editions.

    1. “If the objection be raised here that, as the Messiah (Jesus) was a prophet, his like should also be a prophet, the first answer to this is that our leader and master (the Holy Prophet Muhammad) has not made prophethood a necessary condition for the Messiah to come. On the other hand, it is clearly written that he shall be a Muslim, and shall be subject to the Shariah of the Quran like ordinary Muslims, and he shall not go further than declaring that he is a Muslim and the imam of Muslims. Besides this, there is no doubt that this humble one has come from God as a muhaddas for the Muslim nation, and a muhaddas is in one sense a prophet. Although he does not possess full prophethood, nonetheless in a partial sense he is a prophet because he has the honour of being spoken to by God, matters of the unseen are disclosed to him, and his revelation, like that of prophets and messengers, is protected from the interference of the devil.”
    Tauzih Maram, 1891, pages 17-18; RK 3: 59-60. [TOP]

    2. “Be it known to all the Muslims that all such words as occur in my writings Fath Islam, Tauzih Maram and Izala Auham, to the effect that a muhaddas is in one sense a prophet, or that being a muhaddas is partial prophethood or imperfect prophethood, are not to be taken in their real sense, but have been used according to their root meaning in a straight-forward way; otherwise, I lay no claim whatever to actual prophethood. On the other hand, as I have written in my book Izala Auham, page 137, my belief is that our leader and master Muhammad mustafa — may peace and the blessings of God be upon him — is the last of the Prophets.

    “So I wish to make it clear to all Muslim brothers that, if they are displeased with these words and if these words give injury to their feelings, they may regard all such words as amended, and instead consider me to have used the word muhaddas. For I do not like to create dissension and discord among the Muslims.

    “From the beginning, as God knows best, my intention has never been to use this word nabi as meaning actually a prophet, but only as signifying muhaddas, which the Holy Prophet has explained as meaning ‘one who is spoken to by God.’ Of muhaddas it is stated in a saying of the Holy Prophet: ‘Among the Israelites who were before you, there used to be men who were spoken to by God, though they were not prophets, and if there is one among my followers, it is Umar.’

    “Therefore, I have not the least hesitation in stating my meaning in another form for the conciliation of my Muslim brethren, and that other form is that in every place instead of the word nabi the word muhaddas should be understood, and the word nabi should be regarded as having been deleted.”

    — 3 February 1892; MI 1: 313-314. [TOP]

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