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Claims and position of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad:
A Slide Presentation

14. How word ‘prophet’ is used for a non-prophet: 2
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14. How word ‘prophet’ is used for a non-prophet: 2

Prophet: Non-prophet:

1. Possesses full and perfect prophethood.

1. Possesses the imperfect, partial prophethood of a muhaddas.
(The word ‘partial’ or juzw comes from Hadith which says that the visions and good news given to a believer are a part of prophethood.)
2. In spiritual literature of Islam, the term asal or ‘original’ prophet is used. 2. In spiritual literature of Islam, terms such as zill, burooz, meaning image or reflection of the original, are used for non-prophets.

1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad clearly distinguished between:

Prophethood in the real sense, according to the technical definition of prophet in Islamic law, which applies to a prophet


the linguistic, literal or metaphorical use of the word prophet for one who is a saint, not a prophet. (Ref)

2. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad clearly wrote that it is a saint, a non-prophet, who is known as the zill or burooz (image or reflection) of a prophet. It is a non-prophet who is termed as a ‘prophet by way of zill’ or ‘zilli prophet’. (Ref)

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    Slide References
    Extracts from statements of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

    RK = Ruhani Khaza’in, the 23 volume collection of books of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
    MI = Majuma Ishtiharat, collection of published announcements of Hazrat Mirza.
    Rabwah editions.

    1. “It is absolutely clear from all these indications that he [the Messiah to come] will not have the attribute of full prophethood in the actual and real sense. However, imperfect prophethood will be found in him, which in other words is known as muhaddasiyya, and contains in itself one element from among all the elements of full prophethood.”
    Izala Auham, p. 533. [TOP]

    2. “The possessor of full prophethood can never be a follower (ummati), and it is absolutely prohibited by the Quran and Hadith that the man who is called messenger (rasul) of God in the fullest sense could be a complete sub-ordinate and disciple of another prophet. Almighty God says [in the Holy Quran]: ‘We did not send any messenger but that he should be obeyed by God’s permission.’ That is, every messenger is sent to be a master and leader, not to be a disciple and sub-ordinate of someone else. However, a muhaddas, who is a ‘sent one’, is a follower and also, in an imperfect sense, a prophet.
    Izala Auham, p. 569. [TOP]

    3. “In a partial sense the door of revelation and prophethood is always open for this blessed Umma. However, it should be remembered with presence of mind that this prophethood which continues forever is not full prophethood but, as I have just explained, it is only a partial prophethood which in other words is named by the term muhaddasiyya. It is obtained by obedience to the Perfect Man who contains within himself all the qualities of full prophethood, that is, the person possessing all the praiseworthy qualities, namely, our Leader and Master Muhammad, may peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him.”
    Tauzih Maram, p. 10. [TOP]

    Zill and Burooz are terms for non-prophets

    4. “I firmly believe that our Holy Prophet Muhammad is the Khatam al-anbiya, and after him no prophet shall come for this Umma, neither new nor old. Not a jot or iota of the Holy Quran shall be abrogated. Of course, muhaddases will come who will be spoken to by God, and possess some attributes of full prophethood by way of reflection (zill), and in some ways be coloured with the colour of prophethood. I am one of these.”
    Nishan Asmani, May 1892, p. 28. [TOP]

    5. “The prophet is the real thing, and a saint is the zill.”
    Karamat as-Sadiqeen, August 1893, p. 85. [TOP]

    Hazrat Umar was a zill of Prophet Muhammad

    6. “An example is the prophecy of our Holy Prophet Muhammad that the keys to the treasures of the Qaisar and Kasra have been placed in his hand, whereas it is clear that the Holy Prophet had died before the fulfilment of this prophecy, seeing neither the treasures of the Qaisar and Kasra, nor the keys. But as it was destined that Hazrat Umar receive those keys, and the person of Hazrat Umar was, as it were, the person of the Holy Prophet Muhammad by way of zill, therefore in the realm of revelation the hand of Hazrat Umar was considered to be the hand of the Messenger of God, the Holy Prophet.”
    Ayyam as-Sulh, August 1898, p. 35. [TOP]

    7. “Corresponding to the issues of every age, for the resolving of those issues, spiritual teachers are sent who are the heirs of the messengers [rusul, plural of rasul] and who attain the qualities of the messengers by way of zill. And the mujaddid whose work bears striking similarity to the appointed task of one of the messengers, is called by the name of that rasul in the sight of Allah.”
    Shahadat al-Quran, September 1893, p. 52. [TOP]

    8. “Objection: Only a prophet can be the like of a prophet.

    “Answer: The entire Umma is agreed that a non-prophet takes the place of [or deputises for] a prophet by way of burooz. This is the meaning of the hadith report: 'The ulama of my Umma are like the Israelite prophets'. Look, the Holy Prophet has declared the ulama to be like prophets. One hadith says that the ulama are the heirs of the prophets. Another hadith says: Among my followers, there will always be forty men who take after the heart of Abraham. In this hadith, the Holy Prophet has declared them to be the likes of Abraham.”
    Ayyam as-Sulh, August 1898, p. 163. [TOP]

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