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Claims and position of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad:
A Slide Presentation

18. Quote about all prophets being with shariah – 2
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18. Quote about all prophets being with shariah – 2

  • Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad writes:

“God speaks to, and communicates with, His saints in this Umma. They are given the colour of prophets, but they are not prophets in reality because the Holy Quran has completed all the requirements of the shariah. They are given nothing but the understanding of the Quran; they do not add to the Quran, nor take anything away from it.”
Mawahib ar-Rahman, January 1903, p. 66.

  • He says here that prophets are not needed because the shariah is complete. Prophets would only be needed if the shariah required to be completed or corrected.

  • This shows that the term ‘prophet without a shariah’ refers only to saints in this Umma who are “given the colour of prophets, but they are not prophets in reality”.

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