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Claims and position of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad:
A Slide Presentation

4. Wahy Nubuwwat versus Wahy Wilayat – 2
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4. Wahy Nubuwwat versus Wahy Wilayat – 2

  • Hazrat Mirza claimed only to receive wahy wilayat, not wahy nubuwwat. (Ref)

  • Placed his revelation in same category as that of the non-prophets, e.g. Moses’ mother, Mary, Companions of Holy Prophet. See his book written in 1902, published 1909. (Ref)

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    Slide References
    Extracts from statements of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

    RK = Ruhani Khaza’in, the 23 volume collection of books of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
    MI = Majuma Ishtiharat, collection of published announcements of Hazrat Mirza.
    Rabwah editions.

    1. “Let it be clear to him that we also curse the person who claims prophethood. We hold that ‘there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah’, and believe in the finality of prophethood of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. And it is not wahy nubuwwat but wahy wilayat received by the saints (auliya) through the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet Muhammad due to their perfect following of him, which is what we believe in. If anyone accuses us of going beyond this, he departs from honesty and fear of God.

    In brief, there is no claim of prophethood from my side either, only the claim of sainthood (wilayat) and reformership (mujaddidiyya).”

    — Reply to Maulvi Ghulam Dastgir, January 1897; MI 2: 297-298. [TOP]

    2. “Then considering that the mother of Moses received sure revelation, and by fully believing in it she cast her baby in the place of destruction, and she was not considered by God to be guilty of the crime of attempted murder, is the Muslim Umma inferior to the women of the Israelites? Likewise, Mary also received sure revelation, and by trusting in it she cared not for (the criticism of) her people. Pity, then, on this forsaken Umma which is inferior to these women. In these circumstances, this Umma could not be the ‘best of nations’, but the worst of nations and the most ignorant of nations. Similarly Khizr, who was not a prophet, was granted Divine knowledge. If his revelation was doubtful, and not sure, why did he kill a child unjustly? And if the revelation of the Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, to the effect that his dead body ought to be washed, was not sure and definite, why did they act upon it?

    To conclude, if a man, due to his blindness, denies my revelation, then if he is nonetheless called a Muslim, and is not a secret atheist, it should be part of his belief that there can be sure and definite Divine revelation, and that just as in previous religious communities many men and women used to receive God’s revelation, even though they were not prophets, in this Umma too it is essential that sure and definite revelation should exist, so that it does not become the least of the nations instead of the best of the nations.”
    Nuzul al-Masih, written 1902, published 1909, p. 89; RK 18: 467. [TOP]

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