The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement
presenting Islam as peaceful, tolerant, rational, inspiring
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Work of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement

In its propagation work, the Lahore Ahmadiyya movement addresses both the modern, Western world and the Muslim world. To the West, it proclaims that today's blind material progress will lead mankind to self-destruction, unless it is balanced by an inner spiritual force. Only Islam can provide such a spiritual force which restrains man from abusing the awesome physical power he has acquired, while not hindering material progress and benefits. To the Muslims, the movement urges that they must return to the Islam of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet, whose spirit is so utterly different from the much-publicised "fundamentalist" Islam (which is, in fact, based on later distortions introduced into Islam).

Our work is carried out world-wide by the publication and distribution of literature, and the establishment of branches and centres of the movement. The Anjuman has a vast range of high-quality, much acclaimed literature in several languages, covering all aspects of Islam. Major books written by Maulana Muhammad Ali in English include the following:

Translation of the Holy Quran with commentary, a comprehensive explanation of the meanings of the Holy Book, based on the most authentic sources, giving carefully reasoned interpretations, taking into account modern circumstances and criticism, and removing misconceptions prevalent among both Muslims and non-Muslims (1300 pages);

The Religion of Islam, a full exposition of its sources, principles and practices (700 pages);

A Manual of Hadith, the guidance given by the Holy Prophet on the practical life of a Muslim (400 pages);

Muhammad The Prophet, biography of the Holy Prophet, removing many mistaken ideas about his life (300 pages);

Living Thoughts of the Prophet Muhammad, brief life of Holy Prophet and his teachings on various topics.

These writings have, over a period of decades, become classic and legendary books in the field of Islamic literature. Reviewing The Religion of Islam, Mr Marmaduke Pickthall, a famous British Muslim scholar, and himself a translator of the Quran into English, wrote as follows:

"Probably no man living has done longer or more valuable service for the cause of Islamic revival than Maulana Muhammad Ali of Lahore. His literary works, with those of the late Khawaja Kamal-ud-Din, have given fame and distinction to the Ahmadiyya Movement. ... Such a book is greatly needed at the present day when in many Muslim countries we see persons eager for the reformation and revival of Islam making mistakes through lack of just this knowledge."

At present, translations of these books are being prepared and published in several modern languages, such as French, German, Russian and Chinese. Free booklets are also available on a large scale, in many languages.

All seekers of truth are invited to contact us for further information. We especially invite Muslims to come and see our work, and judge for themselves if it is not their duty to join and support this movement. Please contact us for further information about Islam and the Ahmadiyya movement.

Website created and published by: Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha`at Islam Lahore Inc. U.S.A.
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