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Did not claim to be a prophet

Quotations from Haqiqat-ul-Wahy put forward by Qadianis
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Quotations from Haqiqat-ul-Wahy put forward by Qadianis

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Dawood Majoka’s post:

One year before his death Hazrat MM a.s. wrote many things in his book "Haqiqatul Wahi". In context of lahori controversy I would would like to quote the following and ask lahori brethren to explain them!

In this ummah, there were thousands of auliya and a one, who was ummati as well as nabi
Haqiqtul Wahi RK vol 22 Page 30

Therefore due to this reason only I have been exclusively given the name "Nabi" and all other people are not worthy of this name.
Waqiqatul Wahi RK vol 22 page 406-407

These quotes shows that there was to date only one person who was both ummati and nabi. Whereas lahories call MM a.s. a mujjadid and explain his nabuwat on the pattern of previous auliya and mujjadedeen. Thus making MM a.s. simply one of many auliya and mujadids of ummat, albeit a greater one. In clear contradiction to this lahori belief, MM a.s. says that he is the only one to be given this status.

Another assumption of Molvi Mohammad Ali sb and his companions was that ALL sahaba of MM a.s. held him to be a mujadid and not a prophet before the start of the controversy. He even threw challenges in support of this claim. In this book MM a.s. has himself refuted this assumption by quoting one letter of a sahabi.

Hazrat Karamdad from Dulmial Dist Jehlum wrote in his letter to MM a.s. which is quoted in Haqiqatul Wahi RK vol 22 Page 380-385 see page 385 where he writes:
Aaey Khuda key piyarey rasul / O beloved prophet of God

There is no qualification mentioned in this letter. And MM a.s. has not commented on these words as being inaccurate etc. Moreover the letter shows clearly that the Sahaba held MM a.s. to be a Rasul / Prophet. Thus the challenge by Molvi M Ali Sb is refuted by the writings of MM a.s. himself.

Haziq’s post:

Twelve references from the book "Haqiqat-ul-Wahi" to prove that he was not among the saints of this Ummah, rather he was more than that, a prophet, as written and proved by him. If any Lahori would like to comment on these references then I would explain with detail how they conclusively refute the beliefs of lahoris, for me these references are so clear, even 'heavy' than lahoris 200 references stunt.

"Purely and quite exclusively, from the grace of God, not by any dexterity on my part, I have received a full measure of the blessings, before my time, conferred on the earlier Prophets, Apostles, and the righteous servants of Allah. It would not have been possible for me to be granted this bounty had I not followed the ways of my lord and master, the pride of the Prophets, the best of mankind, Muhammad Mustafa, peace be on him " (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain, Vol 22, page 64)

"A stalwart from Persia" and the Promised Messiah are two names for one and the same person, as pointed out by the Holy Quran where it says : "And among others from among them who have not yet joined them", i.e., included among the Companions of the Holy Prophet Mohamrnad, is another body of men, which has not yet appeared. Evidently, Companions are only those present at the time of the advent of a Prophet, who come to believe in him, and receive the teaching, and training, directly from him. So it stands proved from this verse, that among the people spoken of here, a Prophet would be raised, who would be a buruz of the Holy Prophet, which fact would qualify his followers, his companions, for being reckoned as Companions of the Holy Prophet Mohammad himself; and just as the Companions in the first instance, strove valiantly in the Way of the Lord God, according to the need of their time, the later also would render service to the cause of Islam, according to the specific needs of their time. In any case, this Verse contains a prophecy about the advent of a Prophet towards the latter days. Otherwise there is no justification why some people should be called Companions of the Holy Prophet, who were to be born a long time after the Holy Prophet, and who never saw him." (Tatimma Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain, Vol 22, page 502)

"Some thoughtless people say that, generally speaking, those in Europe and America are not aware even of my name; why then have they perished in earthquakes, and volcanic outbursts? The reply is that they were ripe for punishment, on account of excesses and misdeeds. So, in accordance with his normal, usual manner, He held His hand till a Prophet had been raised, to warn them. But when that Prophet came, and those people bad been given a call, by means of thousands upon thousands of pamphlets and leaflets, the moment had come when they were to get in this world what they had come to deserve … So the truth is what has been stated in the Holy Quran : "We could not, properly, have punished these people, until we had raised an Apostle among them." This is the manner and method of the Lord God; and, evidently, no Prophet, no Apostle from the Lord has appeared at the time, anywhere in Europe or America. Therefore the punishment that has fallen on them, it has fallen only after my claim had gone out." (Tatimma Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain, pages 486-487)

"Whosoever shall study the Holy Quran, with care, and honesty of mind, he would realise that at the time of the later tribulations, when most portions of the globe would be turned upside down; a virulent plague would spread; and death on every side would gather up a great harvest, the advent of an Apostle would be necessary at that time, as Allah Himself has said : "It is not Our way that We send a chastisement, until We have sent an Apostle." Again, when the advent of Apostles has preceded even comparatively smaller punishments, as borne out by past events, how is it possible that on the occasion of the great chastisement of the later days, which was to overwhelm the whole world, a chastisement foretold by all the Prophets of old, that chastisement should descend on the people, without the advent of the Prophet destined and ordained to appear at the juncture? Any idea that such a thing is possible, involves an evident falsification of the Word of God. Now this same Apostle is the Promised Messiah." (Tatimma Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain, page 498-499)

"Almighty God made the Holy Prophet into a 'seal' in the sense that for extending the benefits and excellence he was given a 'seal' which had never been given to anyone before. This is the basis why he has been called 'Khatam-un-Nabiyeen', i.e., loyalty and obedience rendered to him brings down on one excellence of Nabuwwat and his spiritual concentration in capable of carving out a prophet. This holy power has not been extended to any other Prophet." (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain, Vol 22, page 100)

"In this Ummat, through the blessings resulting from following in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him, there have been thousands of Aulia and also the one who is an Ummati, and a Nabi as well." (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain, Vol 22, page 30, footnote)

"Themselves, they read in Ahadith reports which prove, in the Ummat of the Holy Prophet, there would be people like the prophets among the Israelites, and there would be one, who from one angle would be a nabi while from another angle he would be an ummati and he would be the one called the promised Messiah." (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain, Vol 22, page 104)

"In Ahadith of the Holy Prophet it has been foretold that in the Ummat of the Holy Prophet, there shall appear one who will be called Issa and Ibne Maryam and will be called Nabi which means that he will be getting the excellence of communion and communication and the matters of unseen disclosed to him with such abundance that cannot be done except to a Prophet as Allah says, 'Allah does not grant anyone a full power and dominance on matters pertaining to the unknown obtaianable on the basis of amplitude and clarity except in the case of His own chosen Apostle. And it is a thing well established that the amplitude and abundance of communion and the volume of knowledge in regard to the unknown bestowed on me by Allah, in the last thirteen hundred years, has not been granted to anyone else. If there be anyone who desires to deny this, the burden of proof lies on him.

In short, in point of abundance and matters pertaining to the unknown, in this ummat, I am the only specific individual and out of the Auliyya, Abdaals and Aqtaabs, as have gone before my time, such amplitude of the great blessing has not been given to anyone at all. Because of this reason I am the only person specified to get the name of prophet while everyone else held as not deserving this name for amplitude of wahi and an abundance of knowledge in respect of matters unknown is an indispensable condition and this condition is not found in them. And it was necessary that it should happen so that the Prophecy of Holy prophet peace be upon him should be fulfilled because if the other righteous persons, who have gone before me, had received the same volume of communion and communication with Allah and tidings in regard to the future, they would certainly have come to deserve being called prophets and in that case a hole would have appeared in the prophecy of the Holy Prophet, the sagacity of the Allah therefore let them fall short of obtaining a full share of this blessing, so that, as foretold in Hadith, there should be only one of this kind and the prophecy come to be fulfilled." (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain, Vol 22, page 406-407)

"Apart from him, to no other prophet has this seal bean extended. He is the only one under whose seal a prophethood can be obtained, for which a binding condition is that he should be his Ummati." (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi page 28)

"The content, which you call communion and communication, amplitude and abundance of the same, under mandate from the Lord God, I designate as Nabuwwat. wa likullin an yastaliha." (Tatimma Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain, Vol 22, page 503)

"Similarly, in the beginning this was my belief that in no way was I comparable with reference to Jesus son of Mary. He was a prophet, great among those chosen by the Lord. Even when something occurred, which seemed to establish my superiority over him, always I took it to imply some partial preference. Later on, however, the revelation sent down on me by the Lord, like pouring rain, it did not allow me to remain clinging to this belief and I found the title of Nabi clearly conferred on me, in a manner that I was a Nabi from one angle, an ummati from another." (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain, Vol 22, page 153-154)

"My dear people, when I have proved that Massih the son of Mary is dead and the Massih to come is I, myself, now, in this position, whosoever holds that the first Massih was superior, he should, on the basis of conclusive Reports from the Hadith and verses of Holy Quran prove that the Messiah to come is nothing at all, being neither a Nabi, nor an arbitor, the first being everything there was need for him to be." (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain, Vol 22, page 159)


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