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Sir Abdul Qadir delivering Id-ul-Fitr Khutba January 1935

Sir Abdul Qadir, Member of the Secretary of State for India's Council, delivering the Id-ul-Fitr Khutba, January 1935 (The Islamic Review, March 1935).

Mr. Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Translator of the Quran into English, was also present. The report in the above issue of the Islamic Review records:

“After this Mr. Abdulla Yusuf Ali addressing the vast congregation referred to the admirable address of Sir Abdul Qadir and said that he welcomed Sir Abdul Qadir as a man of true religious and literary fame...”

The report concludes:

“Among those present on this occasion were Lady Abdul Qadir, Lord Headley El Farooq, Sir Omar Stewart Rankin, Lady Rankin, the Egyptian Charge d'Affaires, His Excellency Abdur Rahman Hakki, the Charge d'Affaires of the Saudi Arabian Legation, Mr. Habibullah Lovegrove, Mr. Abdul Qadir Pickard, Mr. Omar Flight, Mr. Horace Leaf, Sirdar Iqbal Ali Shah [Note: father of the writer on Sufism, Idries Shah], Sardarina Shah and Mrs. Buchannan Hamilton. Some of the guests, including Sir Omar and Lady Rankin, remained for afternoon tea. At about 8 p.m. the last batch had departed, leaving the staff of the Mosque to pursue their silent programme for the Islamization of England.” (pages 89-90)

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