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1. by Maulana Muhammad Ali

The Religion of Islam. 617 pages.

Comprehensive and monumental work on the sources, principles and practices of Islam.
" an extremely useful work, almost indispensable to the students of Islam." -- Dr Sir Muhammad Iqbal, renowned poet and philosopher.
"Such a book is greatly needed when in many Muslim countries we see persons eager for the revival of Islam, making mistakes through lack of just this knowledge." -- Marmaduke Pickthall.

Read full reviews. 17 December 1998

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A Manual of Hadith. 400 pages.

Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad on practical life of a Muslim, classified by subject. Arabic text, English translation and notes.

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Muhammad, The Prophet. 200 pages.

Researched biography of the Holy Prophet. Corrects many misconceptions about his life, and answers Western criticism.

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The Early Caliphate.

History of Islam under first four Caliphs.
"Indeed two books: (1) Muhammad The Prophet, (2) The Early Caliphate, by Muhammad Ali together constitute the most complete and satisfactory history of the early Muslims hitherto compiled in English." -- Islamic Culture, April 1935.

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The Muslim Prayer Book. 90 pages.

Full details of the Muslim prayer service, with words given in Arabic text, and transliteration and translation into English. Illustrated with photographs.

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Living Thoughts of the Prophet Muhammad. 156 pages.

Brief biography of the Holy Prophet, and his teachings.
" so beautifully done by Muhammad Ali ... should form part of the education of every person who aspires to know the life and career of a great historical personality" -- Times of Ceylon.

Read full reviews. 17 December 1998

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The New World Order. 86 pages.

" makes a thorough analysis of the complicated problems of the world ... examines the various solutions offered by Islam to the numerous problems of the modern world" -- The Dawn, Karachi.

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Introduction to the Study of the Holy Quran. 191 pages.

Collection and arrangement of the Holy Quran and its essential teachings.

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Muhammad and Christ. 159 pages.

Refutes Christian misinterpretation of the Quran that Jesus was 'superior' to the Holy Prophet Muhammad.

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The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement. 112 pages.

Biography of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad by his close associate Maulana Muhammad Ali.
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True Conception of the Ahmadiyya Movement. 67 pages.

Discusses the distinctive features of the interpretation of various Islamic teachings as given by the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement, and shows how these equip it to propagate Islam in the modern world.

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The Split in the Ahmadiyya Movement. 117 pages.

Discusses the doctrinal differences which led to the Split. Reprint edition contains added Appendix with supplementary notes.

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History and Doctrines of the Babi Movement. 115 pages.

Deals with the origin, history and teachings of the Babi Movement and the Bahai religion, which began in Iran.

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2. English translations of books by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

The Teachings of Islam.

Highly-acclaimed discussion of the Islamic path for the physical, moral and spiritual progress of man.
"The ideas are very profound and very true." -- Count Tolstoy, Russia.

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Testimony of the Holy Quran. 103 pages.

A discussion by Hazrat Mirza on his claim of being Promised Messiah based on the Quran.
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Message of Peace. 27 pages.

Revised translation of lecture on establishing peace between Hindus and Muslims in India.
"In the Ahmadiyya Movement which emphasises the spirit of tolerance, I see a great force for the propagation of Islam" -- Sir C.V. Raman, Nobel prize winner.
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The Four Questions Answered. 49 pages.

A Christian's questions about Islam answered. Completely revised translation, newly published.
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A Brief Sketch of My Life. 92 pages.

English translation of a section of the book Kitab al-Bariyya. Hazrat Mirza relates an account of his life, spiritual experiences, and appointment as Mujaddid and Promised Messiah. Gives detailed evidence of his claims, and discusses his work in refuting the wrong Christian beliefs, and his interpretation of the dajjal (Anti-Christ).
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Kitab al-Bariyya: An Account of Exoneration. 224 pages.

Hazrat Mirza relates how he was exonerated in court of a false charge against him by Christian missionaries, and gives the background of his work of refuting the wrong Christian doctrines.
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3. Other books

A Mighty Striving. 549 pages.

English translation of the Urdu book Mujahid-i Kabir, the biography of Maulana Muhammad Ali by Muhammad Ahmad and M.A. Faruqui, translated by Mrs Akhtar Aziz and revised and edited by Dr. Zahid Aziz.

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The Death of Jesus. 82 pages.

By Maulana Hafiz Sher Muhammad, translated by Dr. Zahid Aziz. Proves that according to Islam Jesus died after leading his life here on earth. The belief is entirely wrong that Jesus was taken up to Allah alive in bodily form, where he is still alive waiting to return to the world. The evidence is arranged in order of: the Holy Quran, the Hadith, the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, and the scholars of the earliest and the classical times. Finally, the views of religious writers of recent times are cited.

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The Ideal Prophet. 211 pages.

By Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din. First published in 1925 from the Woking Muslim Mission in England, this book presents the character and qualities of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, showing him to be the Ideal Prophet in every sense.

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Islam -- My Only Choice. 36 pages.

By Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din. Compares the historicity, doctrines and practices of the major religions.
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Islam to East and West. 142 pages.

A collection of twelve lectures of Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din, first published in 1935. The lectures were delivered in various places in the world, six in England, one in Paris, two in India, one in Burma, one in Singapore, and one in Cairo. The first lecture in the book (pages 1-12), and earliest in time, was delivered in Paris at the 6th Congress of Religions in July 1913. His presentation of Islam in the first and other lectures --- as a universal and rational faith, and one that can lead a human being to the highest spiritual development --- has not been surpassed by any work which other Muslims have done in the West up to now.

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The Sources of Christianity. xii+104 pages.

Famous book in which the Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din has shown, on the basis of modern Western researches, that the Christian church doctrines relating to the birth, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, as well as other details of these events as believed in by the church and various rites and rituals of the church, are derived from the pagan cults of sun-worship which prevailed all over the world.

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Table Talk. 65 pages.

Deals with a number of religious and modern themes such as the object of religion, life after death, Darwin and Evolution, etc. Written for: "…numbers of thinking men and women for whom religion, any religion, is becoming a dead-letter simply because the religions with which they are familiar are based on a mysticism antagonistic to their reason; or because these religions regard progress of any sort in a spirit of hostility".

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Muhammad in World Scriptures, Volume 1. 412+xxvi pages.

by Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi. A research work written to establish the claim of the Holy Quran that the prophets who arose in various nations and lands had prophesied the coming of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. The author was himself a scholar of the original languages of the major world scriptures, such as Hebrew, Sanskrit and Greek. Volume 1 of this new edition, published in December 1998, deals with the prophecies in the Bible, and gives extensive quotations from the Old Testament and the Gospels, with the passages being displayed in the original Hebrew and Greek.

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Fundamentals of the Christian faith in the light of the Gospels. 62 pages.

by Maulana Sadr-ud-Din. The author was the second head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement, who built the famous mosque in Berlin in the mid-1920s. This booklet was written to combat Christian missionary activity among Muslims. Quoting from the Gospels profusely, this work shows that Jesus did not preach the present-day Christian doctrines of atonement, inherited sin, trinity and Jesus’ sonship.
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Introduction to Islam. 66 pages.

By Dr. Zahid Aziz. For younger readers and beginners. Basic Islam explained in question/answer format.
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Al-Hamdu-li-llah. 18 pages.

By Fazeel Sahukhan. Children's book with full color illustrations to teach them ten basic Islamic phrases. Suitable for age 5 and under.

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The Meaning of Surah Fatihah. 16 pages.

By Fazeel Sahukhan. Illustrated, full-color booklet for children, depicting a father and mother explaining the meaning and significance of the verses of the Surah Fatihah in conversation with their children.

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Essays on Islamic Sufi-ism. 23 pages.

Translations from writings of Dr. Basharat Ahmad and Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad on Sufi-ism.

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The Debt Forgotten. 159 pages.

by Mr. Rahim Bakhsh. The debt owed by Muslims of the present-day to the work of the Ahmadiyya Movement.

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Ahmadiyyat in the service of Islam. 149 pages.

by Mr. Nasir Ahmad Faruqui, late head of the Pakistan Civil Service. Beliefs, claims, work and achievements of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement.

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Anecdotes from the life of the Prophet Muhammad. 49 pages.

by Mumtaz Ahmad Faruqui. Covers in simple language the life of the Prophet Muhammad, along with brief, instructive stories of his time. Will be found useful for youngsters from the ages of about 12 upwards.

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Dr. Sir Muhammad Iqbal and the Ahmadiyya Movement. 44 pages.

By Maulana Hafiz Sher Muhammad. Iqbal's views on, and relations with, the Movement.
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The Qadiani violation of Ahmadiyya teachings. 46 pages.

Shows how the main Qadiani beliefs violate the real teachings of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

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Martyrdom of Abdul Latif Shaheed. 47 pages.

Events of life of Sahibzada Abdul Latif of Afghanistan executed in 1903 for being an Ahmadi.

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Christ is Come. 49 pages.

by Mirza Masum Beg. Prophecies in various religions about the coming of a great Reformer which were fulfilled in the person of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

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Jesus in Heaven on Earth. 471 pages.

by Khwaja Nazir Ahmad. Detailed research work, based on scriptural, historical and archeological evidence, showing that the people of Afghanistan and Kashmir belong to the ten lost tribes of the Israelites, and that Jesus, having survived death on the cross, came to this area to continue his mission among the "lost sheep" of the Israelites and died in Kashmir. Proves that the tomb of Jesus is in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, where it can still be found. Also discussed at length are the sources of Christianity and of Islam, and various dogmas of the Christian church. Originally published in 1952, the first U.S.A. edition has now been brought out in December 1998, and is entirely retypeset and reprinted in high quality.

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The Crumbling of the Cross. 183 pages.

by Mumtaz Ahmad Faruqui. Shows that Jesus did not die on the cross but was alive when his body was removed from it; and that subsequently he travelled to Kashmir where he continued his preaching to the lost tribes of the Israelites, and then died there and is buried in the city of Srinagar. It summarises the findings of the earlier, comprehensive work on this subject, Jesus in Heaven on Earth by Khwaja Nazir Ahmad, first published in 1952, and also brings the subject uptodate to 1973.

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Mujaddid-i Azam. 3 vols., about 1700 pages. (Urdu)

By Dr. Basharat Ahmad. Comprehensive biography of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
First two volumes deal with his life, while the third volume covers his thought, teachings and work.

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