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A Mighty Striving: Life Story of Maulana Muhammad Ali

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Detailed Contents of

A Mighty Striving:
Life Story of Maulana Muhammad Ali

• Part 1: The First Twenty-Five Years — From birth to May 1899

  1. Birth and early education
  2. Education and employment in Lahore
  3. Meeting Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian
  4. Stay in Lahore after joining the Ahmadiyya Movement
  5. Correspondence with Hazrat Mirza sahib and arrangements for legal practice

• Part 2: Life at Qadian — From May 1899 to April 1914

1. The Promised Messiah’s time:

1a. First of two sections
  1. Migration to Qadian and the early days
  2. Residing in the Promised Messiah’s house
  3. The early writings of the Promised Messiah about Maulana Muhammad Ali
  4. Publication of the Review of Religions
  5. Hazrat Mirza sahib’s wishes regarding propagation of Islam
  6. First photograph of Maulana Muhammad Ali

1b. Second of two sections

  1. The dreams, visions, revelations and writings of Hazrat Mirza sahib about Maulana Muhammad Ali
  2. Need for an English Translation of the Holy Quran
  3. Represents Hazrat Mirza sahib in court cases
  4. Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya founded
  5. Some other events
  6. Talim-ul-Islam High School
  7. Financial Commissioner’s visit to Qadian
  8. Some domestic events
  9. Death of the Promised Messiah

2. The Times of Maulana Nur-ud-Din (May 1908 to March 1914):

  1. Overview
  2. Early life of Maulana Nur-ud-Din
  3. Commencement of the English Translation of the Holy Quran
  4. Maulana Nur-ud-Din’s interest in the English translation
  5. Calcutta Convention of Religions
  6. Debate in Rampur
  7. Debate at Mansoori
  8. Religious convention at Allahabad
  9. Some domestic circumstances and trip to Murree
  10. Talim-ul-Islam school and construction of the boarding house
  11. Activities and health of Maulana Nur-ud-Din
  12. Publication of The Teachings of Islam
  13. Beginning of the propagation of Islam in the U.K.

3. Events of the Split in the Movement and migration of Maulana Muhammad Ali to Lahore:

  1. Al-Wasiyyat and the founding of the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya and its consequences
  2. Death of the Promised Messiah: Maulana Nur-ud-Din takes bai‘at (pledge) from members
  3. Beginning of the discord and efforts to mislead Maulana Nur-ud-Din
  4. Efforts to get Maulana Muhammad Ali and his friends expelled from the Ahmadiyya community
  5. More efforts to create suspicion in Maulana Nur-ud-Din’s mind
  6. Maulana Nur-ud-Din’s true feelings
  7. Maulana Muhammad Ali’s announcement about the disunity and mistrust
  8. The second tactic
  9. The scandal of calling Muslims as kafir and the establishment of the Ansarullah party
  10. A tract on calling Muslims as kafir and one on khilafat
  11. Maulana Nur-ud-Din’s death and subsequent events
  12. Further stay in Qadian and migration from there
  13. The world of Islam and the event of 1914
  14. End of second phase of Maulana Muhammad Ali’s life

• Part 3: Life at Lahore — From April 1914 to October 1951

1. Founding of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore:

  1. Brief history of Ahmadiyya Buildings
  2. Newspaper and journal Paigham Sulh
  3. Establishment of Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at Islam, Lahore
  4. Expulsion of Maulana Muhammad Ali and his comrades from the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Qadian
  5. When was the Qadiani doctrine of the prophethood of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad invented
2. From 1914 to 1917: Completion and publication of the English translation of the Holy Quran:
  1. Early stay in Lahore
  2. Two initial tasks
  3. Teaching Quran classes (Dars-i Quran)
  4. Completion and publication of the English Translation of the Holy Quran
  5. English translation of the Quran and the Qadian community
  6. Other writings of the Maulana during 1914 to 1917
  7. Some other events from 1914 to 1917
  8. The first three and a half years of the Anjuman’s life
  9. Opinions and reviews about the English translation of the Holy Quran

3. From 1918 to 1923: Completion and publication of Bayan-ul-Quran, Urdu translation of the Holy Quran:

  1. Urdu translation and commentary
  2. Other publications from 1918 to 1923
  3. Quran teaching classes (Dars-i Quran)
  4. Touring branches and other trips
  5. Stay in Simla, 1918–1921
  6. Other events, 1918–1923
  7. Stay in Dalhousie, 1922–23
  8. German Mission
  9. Royalty and how it began
  10. Relations with the Qadian community
(3. Addendum by the Translator: Reviews of Bayan-ul-Quran by modern Pakistani scholars)

4. From 1924 to 1937: Publication of Fazl-ul-Bari and The Religion of Islam:

4a. First of two sections
  1. Publications from 1924-1937: Fazl-ul-Bari
  2. Publications from 1924-1937: The Religion of Islam
  3. Publications from 1924-1937: other writings
  4. Quran teaching (Dars-i Quran)
  5. Stay in Dalhousie
  6. Muslim High School buildings at Lahore and Baddomalhi
  7. Demise of Shaikh Rahmatullah
  8. Demise of Syed Muhammad Ahsan of Amroha
  9. Missionary work in India
  10. Organizational tours and other travels, 1924 to 1937
  11. Arrival of Lord Headley in India, December 1927
  12. Construction of the Berlin Mosque and translation of the Holy Quran into German
  13. Coming of Baron Umar Ehrenfels to India
  14. Java mission
4b. Second of two sections
  1. Purchase of land in Okara
  2. Maulana Aziz Bakhsh
  3. Founding of the Woking Muslim Mission and Literary Trust
  4. Death of Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
  5. Conversion of Mr. Gauba to Islam
  6. Opening of the Fiji Islands Muslim Mission
  7. Opposition to the Ahmadiyya Community in its homeland
  8. Death of Dr. Mirza Yaqub Baig
  9. Appeal to make Wills
  10. Some other events
  11. Payment of royalty, 1924-1937
  12. Some internal conflicts
  13. Relations with the Qadian Jama‘at, 1924 to 1937

5. The Anjuman’s Silver Jubilee 1938 and recovery from a critical illness:

  1. Initial move to mark Silver Jubilee
  2. Ill health
  3. Silver Jubilee
  4. The annual gathering and 25 year work of the Anjuman
  5. Residence in Muslim Town, Lahore, and other events of 1938
  6. Passing away of Syed Ghulam Mustafa Shah and Babu Manzur Ilahi
  7. Deepest desire of a true devotee of Islam
  8. Address to young people

6. From 1939 to June 1947: Publication of A Manual of Hadith, Living Thoughts and The New World Order. Three campaigns for Quran publication:

6a. First of three sections
  1. Writings from 1939 to 1947
  2. Founding of the Holland Mission
  3. The German translation of the Holy Quran and the Berlin Mosque
  4. Death of Dr. Syed Muhammad Husain Shah
  5. Other events of 1939
  6. Events of 1940
  7. Events of 1941
  8. Campaign for charitable loan, December 1941
  9. First trip to Hyderabad, Deccan, 1942
  10. Visit of Mr. Usman Woo
  11. Passing away of Dr. Basharat Ahmad

6b. Second of three sections

  1. Three ways for service of the Holy Quran
  2. Proposal for ‘Quran Publication Trust’
  3. The first proposal — Quran Translations Fund
  4. The second proposal for the propagation of the Quran — opening of missionary centres
  5. Trip to Bombay
  6. The third proposal — Idara Talim-ul-Quran
  7. Emphasising service of the Quran
  8. Second journey to Hyderabad
  9. From 1946 to June 1947
  10. Founding of the American Mission
  11. Translation of the Quran in Javanese language
  12. Last trip to Dalhousie
  13. Special spiritual exertions in the month of Ramadan
  14. The royalty issue

6c. Third of three sections: Relations with the Qadian Jama‘at

  1. Appeal to Qadian Jama‘at, 1939
  2. Invitation and challenge to debate, 1940
  3. Efforts in 1941
  4. Challenge to take oath on beliefs, 1944
  5. Open publication of charge of falsehood
  6. Challenge to debate and mubahila, 1945
  7. Summary of efforts
  8. Challenge by a Qadiani for oath
  9. Maulana Muhammad Ali takes oath in speech, December 1946
  10. Epilogue 1954: Mirza Mahmud Ahmad retracts his extremist beliefs in court

7. From June 1947 till end of 1950: Revision of the English Translation of the Holy Quran and campaign for distribution of literature:

7a. From June 1947 to end of 1949
  1. Partition of India and journey from Dalhousie to Lahore
  2. Refugees Relief Fund
  3. The annual gathering for 1947
  4. Affiliation of the Woking Mission
  5. Stay in Quetta
  6. Instructions for spiritual exertions in Ramadan
  7. A letter of advice
  8. Another serious illness
  9. Exhortations to the Jama‘at
  10. Press conference
  11. The annual gathering 1948 and campaign for distribution of literature
  12. Emphasis on publishing literature
  13. Idara Talim-ul-Quran
  14. Passion for the propagation of the Holy Quran
  15. All-Pakistan Economic Conference
  16. Stay in Karachi in 1949
  17. Some letters to members of the Jama‘at
  18. Completion of the revision of the English translation of the Holy Quran
  19. Meetings with ambassadors of Muslim countries
  20. Distribution of free sets of books
  21. Proposal to send free sets to five thousand libraries
  22. An objection and answer to it
  23. His last address to the Qadian Jama‘at
  24. Death of Mian Ghulam Rasul
  25. The annual gathering, 1949
7b. The year 1950
  1. Events of 1950
  2. Khutbas of 1950
  3. Stay in Karachi in 1950 and illness
  4. Addressing the Jama‘at after recovery — three letters
  5. Thanks-giving fund
  6. Return to Lahore
  7. Annual gathering 1950

8. The last year, 1951, and death

  1. Last letters to members of the Jama‘at
  2. Meeting delegates to the World Muslim Conference (Mu’timar ‘Alam Islami) and his fame abroad
  3. Other work in early 1951 and another attack of illness
  4. His last journey to Karachi
  5. Plan to perform Hajj and visit Western countries and the Middle East
  6. Invitation to join Board of Editors of the Encyclopaedia of Islam
  7. Holy Quran Trust
  8. Death of Maulana Muhammad Ali
  9. A will for the Jama‘at
  10. Newspaper reviews and messages at his death

• Part 4: Recollections of Maulana Muhammad Ali

1. Home life, qualities, character and habits:

  1. Home life
  2. Domestic life
  3. Moral qualities and habits
  4. As father
  5. As head of family
  6. Love for relations
  7. As elder of Jama‘at
  8. Strict observance of time schedule and punctuality
  9. Stamina for work
  10. Administrative skills
  11. Style of speech and writing
  12. Worship
  13. Revelations and communications from God
  14. Love for the Holy Quran

2. Personal Reflections:

  1. Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi
  2. Dr. Saeed Ahmad Khan
  3. Maulana Murtaza Khan Hasan
  4. Dr. S.M. Abdullah
  5. Maulvi Ismatullah
  6. Shaikh Muhammad Yusuf Garanthi
  7. Shaikh Muhammad Inam-ul-Haq
  8. Maulana Ahmad Yar
  9. Malik Fazal Ilahi
  10. Mumtaz Ahmad Faruqui
  11. Shaikh Ghulam Qadir
  12. Muhammad Karimullah
  13. Master Muhammad Abdullah
  14. Haji Allah Rakha Mumin
  15. Chaudhry Muhammad Abdullah Khan
  16. Shahzada Begum
  17. Maulana Hafiz Sher Mohammad

3. Some impressions of Maulana Muhammad Ali:

  1. Privilege of being first in history of Islam
  2. Writer
  3. A busy life
  4. Regard for duty
  5. A constructor and builder by nature
  6. Made Ahmadiyya Buildings the centre of Islamic thought
  7. Long-standing relations with the Quaid-i Azam
  8. The Quaid-i Azam at the Maulana’s residence
  9. Muslim visitors
  10. Respect for the Maulana in the Christian world
  11. Research on Maulana for Doctorate of Divinity in Rome
  12. The Anjuman’s financial stability
  13. Friday khutbas (sermons)
  14. Balanced heart and mind
  15. As President of the Anjuman
  16. An affectionate father
  17. Ordinary activities
  18. Hazrat Maulana’s status

4. Memories of my beloved, by Naseer Ahmad Faruqui:

  1. Widely respected and loved
  2. Extraordinary qualities
  3. His jovial nature
  4. Gentle and mild but courageous
  5. His forgiveness and forbearance
  6. His prayers
  7. Passion for service of the Quran
  8. Incidents showing effects of his literature
  9. Iqbal
  10. Raising funds
  11. Death of Maulana Muhammad Ali
  12. Spiritual experiences
  13. Prediction of creation of Pakistan
  14. Vision of God

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