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Claims and position of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad:
A Slide Presentation

31. Sworn declaration of 70 Ahmadis – 2
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31. Sworn declaration of 70 Ahmadis – 2

  • Read the full declaration below.

“We, the undersigned, declare on oath that when Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement, announced in 1891, that the prophet Jesus was dead according to the Holy Quran, and that the ‘son of Mary’ whose advent among the Muslims was spoken of in Hadith was he [Hazrat Mirza] himself, he did not lay claim to prophethood.

However, the Maulvis misled the public, and issued a fatwa of kufr against him by alleging that he claimed prophethood.

After this, the Promised Messiah declared time after time in plain words, as his writings show:

  • that to ascribe to him a claim of prophethood was a fabrication against him,

  • that he considered prophethood to have come to a close with the Holy Prophet Muhammad,

  • that he looked upon a claimant to prophethood, after the Holy Prophet, as a liar and a kafir.

  • and that the words mursal, rasul, and nabi which had occurred in some of his revelations, or the word nabi which had been used about the coming Messiah in Hadith, do not denote a prophet in actual fact, but rather a metaphorical, partial or zilli prophet who is known as a muhaddas. After the Khatam an-nabiyyin, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, no prophet can come, neither new nor old.

We also declare on oath that we entered into the pledge of the Promised Messiah before November 1901, and that the statements of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, the head of the Qadian group, that though in the beginning Hazrat Mirza Sahib did not claim prophethood, but that he changed his claim in November 1901, and laid claim to prophethood on that date, and that his previous writings of ten or eleven years denying prophethood are abrogated — all this is entirely wrong and absolutely opposed to facts.

We do swear by Allah that the idea never even entered our minds that the Promised Messiah made a change in his claim in 1901 or that his previous writings, which are full of denials of a claim to prophethood, were ever abrogated; nor, to our knowledge, did we ever hear such words from the mouth of even a single person until Mirza Mahmud Ahmad made these statements. Allah is witness to what we have stated.”

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