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Claims and position of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad:
A Slide Presentation

32. Sworn declaration of 70 Ahmadis – 3
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32. Sworn declaration of 70 Ahmadis – 3

  • No Qadiani (or anyone else) was ever able to counter this statement by testifying on oath that as an Ahmadi he came to know in November 1901 that Hazrat Mirza, by publishing Ayk Ghalati Ka Izala, was withdrawing or abrogating his previous statements, of the ten-year period 1891 to 1901, in which he had clearly denied claiming prophethood and, as against this denial, claimed to be a muhaddas.

  • Not one person, not even Mirza Mahmud Ahmad himself, could state on oath that in November 1901 he came to know that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was announcing a change in his claim.

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