The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement
presenting Islam as peaceful, tolerant, rational, inspiring
1. Islam
2. Publications
3. Activities
4. Ahmadiyya Movement
5. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

His biography: Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement



1: The First Forty Years
2: Religious Dedication
3: Mujaddid of the Fourteenth Century
4: Mahdi and Messiah
5: Opposition
6: Further Work
7: Final Days
8: Contribution to Islam
9: Not a Prophet
10: Jihad
11: Christian assault on Islam
12: Disservice of ‘Ulama
13: The Ahmadiyya Movement
Appendix: The Ahmadiyya Movement as the West sees it

6. Non-English material

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Chapter 8

Contribution to Islam


Mysteries unravelled

Thus ended an eventful life which in the short space of eighteen years - 1890 to 1908 - not only had revolutionised many of the existing religious ideas but had even taken definite steps in an entirely new direction - the presenting of Islam to, and the spiritual conquest of, the West. Deep religious mysteries which had baffled human minds for centuries had been unravelled. The second advent of Christ, the tribulation of the Anti-Christ, the prevalence of Gog and Magog, the coming of the Mahdi and similar other topics were mysteries which affected the two great religions of the world, Christianity and Islam, both contending for the mastery of the world, and an inspired man was indeed needed to lift the veil from the face of these mysteries. Such a man was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. He was gifted not only with inspiration to elucidate the deepest mysteries, but also with the faith and energy which enabled him to give a new direction to the dissemination of Islam, which had hitherto found the West deaf to its message. Christianity was out to conquer the Muslim world; in temporal matters it had ousted Islam, but in the spiritual domain, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad made a bold start and gave a challenge to Christianity in its very home. It is as a result of that challenge that mosques are being built in the great centres of Christianity, that a vital change is being brought about in the attitude of Europe towards Islam, and that thousands of cultured and advance Europeans are finding a haven of peace under its banner.

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