The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement
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1. Islam
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4. Ahmadiyya Movement
5. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

His biography: Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement



1: The First Forty Years
2: Religious Dedication
3: Mujaddid of the Fourteenth Century
4: Mahdi and Messiah
5: Opposition
6: Further Work
7: Final Days
8: Contribution to Islam
9: Not a Prophet
10: Jihad
11: Christian assault on Islam
12: Disservice of ‘Ulama
13: The Ahmadiyya Movement
Appendix: The Ahmadiyya Movement as the West sees it

6. Non-English material

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Publisher's Foreword

to the Internet Edition


Maulana Muhammad Ali (1874-1951), the famous author of several world-renowned works on Islam, has acknowledged in the prefaces to many of his books that the man who drew him into the field of religion, the source of his inspiration, his mentor and guide, and the fountain-head of the new thought expounded by him, was the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (may God’s mercy be upon him!).

Sadly, the life and teachings of this great Muslim Reformer and thinker have been misunderstood and misrepresented beyond all limits. It is extremely fortunate, therefore, that Maulana Muhammad Ali recorded this concise biography of his master, an account which is highly authoritative, not only because of the Maulana’s established reputation as a scholar of the highest merit and integrity, but also because he was a close associate and confidant of Hazrat Mirza, living and working with him in Qadian for the last nine years of the Founder’s life.

It was at the behest of Hazrat Mirza that Maulana Muhammad Ali, having obtained qualifications in English and Law, dedicated his life for the cause of Islam about the year 1900 and came to join the Founder in Qadian. Settling in Qadian, Maulana Muhammad Ali continued to translate various booklets and tracts for Hazrat Mirza, as he had been doing since joining the Movement in 1897. Then, in 1901, the Founder decided to start an English journal, The Review of Religions, to present the true picture of Islam to the Western world. He appointed Maulana Muhammad Ali as the editor. In this magazine, besides his own contributions, the Maulana also translated articles and discourses by Hazrat Mirza. The periodical soon acquired fame and renown for the high quality of its contents, scholarship and eloquence.

In December 1905, Hazrat Mirza published a pamphlet known as "The Will", in which he set out the arrangements for the management of the Movement after him. He constituted a central executive body, the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya, to have charge of the Movement, and appointed Maulana Muhammad Ali to the key position of Secretary. This system came into operation at once, and thus, during the last two and a half years of the Founder’s life, the Maulana held the chief administrative post in the Ahmadiyya Movement.

In May 1908, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad passed away, and thus ended the period of nine years in which Maulana Muhammad Ali had lived and worked closely with the great Reformer as his beloved, devoted follower and one of the most prominent men in the Movement.

To read about Maulana Muhammad Ali's close association with Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his prominent position in the Movement during the Founder’s lifetime, please go to this link.

It will be seen that Maulana Muhammad Ali, with his knowledge and experience, was in a unique position of authority to give an accurate and authentic account of the life, mission and teachings of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement.

Website created and published by: Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha`at Islam Lahore Inc. U.S.A.
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